Great Adventures in Brunnenburg Castle

An artist's view on the world around his.

Month: March, 2012


I had an interesting hiking encounter this past weekend. The places I’m going to speak about are located on the mountain in the center of the valley frame. On Satuday, I headed out down the Algund Walweg, a nice walking trail that takes you along the valley with amazing views.  It’s just a nice walk, […]

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Lie Quiet, Ezra, there in your Campo Santo on San Michele In Paradisum te deducant angeli To your city of Dicoe, to Wagodu, To your paradiso terrestre What I have reft from you I stole for love of you Beloved, my master and my friend. James Laughlin’s For Ezra Pound The experiences are great, the […]

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There’s so much.  Between the experiences in and around Brunnenburg to the academics to the experiences farther away – I can not express to you the amount of joy this place fills me with.  The soil has an aesthetic built into it that allows people, plants, and things to grow with an appreciation – but […]

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Classes have started – the week is in full production mode. Every morning when I wake I immediately head down to the kitchen under our croft to slice off a nice big piece of bread, possibly some butter, and maybe an orange.  We get fresh bread deliveries daily and I make sure to always have […]

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There are some people in the world you must meet to understand.  Mary, for me, is one of them.  I spent the past two weeks reading her memoirs, discretions.  This book is written by the daughter of Ezra Pound – you can tell by the writing.  Not only does it give you a glimpse into […]

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Brunneburg Castle Entrance

Today I got up around 8:30 – long before most others in the croft were awake.  I got a head start eating some bread and Nutella for breakfast with a glass of tea.  Initially I was planning to head to church before I did anything, but felt intimidated by the small town style.  I decided […]

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View from my Window

We arrived ten hours late, due to a excursion to Amsterdam and a missed flight.  I’ve now been at Brunneburg for almost 48 hours.  We were greeted by the smiling faces of Sizzo and Briggitte, Kelsey and Elana.  They brought us to our croft and showed us a bit around, but it was dark, we […]

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